ARWA Training Class

Wastewater Settleability Characteristics

Enhance your understanding of wastewater settling characteristics in this hands-on training session. Our expert instructor will guide you through the critical aspects of wastewater settling, including key indicators to observe and techniques to optimize settling processes. Engage in practical exercises and real-world applications to reinforce your learning. The session will also delve into best practices for maintaining quality control and meeting regulatory requirements. This comprehensive and interactive overview will equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure efficient and compliant wastewater treatment operations.

Class Agenda

08:00 AM08:30 AMARWA Welcome and Introductions
Welcome remarks, introduction to ARWA, overview of the training objectives, and introduction of the day's schedule and presenters.
Steve Berry/ ARWA
08:30 AM11:30 AMGetting to Know Your Plant and Understanding Settling Characteristics
This session will cover an introduction to wastewater treatment plant operations, key factors influencing settling characteristics, and techniques for assessing settling performance. Participants will also explore case studies and practical examples to enhance their understanding.
Pat Beamon/ W.W. Process LLC
11:30 AM12:30 PMLunch Break On Your Own
12:30 PM03:00 PMUsing Settleability to Maximize Plant Efficiency and Reduce Costs
In this session, participants will learn advanced techniques for improving settleability and cost-saving strategies through efficient plant operations. The session will also include real-world applications, success stories, and interactive activities for problem-solving exercises.
Pat Beamon/ W.W. Process LLC
03:00 PM04:00 PMQuestions and Evaluations
During this time, participants can ask specific questions related to their own plants or scenarios. There will be a discussion on key takeaways from the day, and participants will complete evaluation forms to provide feedback on the training session.
Steve Berry/ ARWA

Event Information

Pell City Municipal Complex
1000 Bruce Etheredge Parkway
Pell City, AL 35128
  • CEH Type:
  • Wastewater
  • CEH Hours:
  • 7 hours
  • Start Date:
  • 08/27/2024
  • Start Time:
  • 8:00 AM
  • Cost:
  • $0.00

Event Point of Contact


Steve Berry
Class Moderator