This course provides comprehensive training to better understand how maintaining proper activated sludge is crucial to maximum plant performance. The training will guide you through various strategies for collection system evaluation, including smoke testing and ultrasonic technology. Additionally, you'll learn about the advantages of using standalone SCADA systems for utility operations.
From | Until | Description |
08:00 AM | 08:30 AM | Welcome/Introduction
Steve Berry/ ARWA |
08:30 AM | 11:30 AM | Getting to Know Your Plant and Understanding How Activated Sludge Affects Settleabiltiy This session will cover an introduction to wastewater treatment plant operations, utilizing activated sludge to maximize plant effieciency, and techniques for assessing settleing performance. Participants will also explore case studies and practical example to enhance their knowledge. In this session, participants will learn advanced techiques for improving settleabiltiy and cost saving strategies through efficient plant operations. Pat Beamon/ W.W. Process LLC |
11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | Lunch On Your Own |
12:30 PM | 02:00 PM | We will explore cutting-edge technology and methodology for comprehensive collection system evaluation, emphasizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Students will learn to leverage emerging tools such as AI,IoT, and data analytics to streamline assessment processes across varoius organizational systems. The curriculum covers strategies for reducing evaluation time, optimizing staff resources, and minimizing costs while maintaining or improving the quality and depth of system analyis. Participants will be equipped to implement innovative solutions that enhance system evaluation effieciency, reduce operational overhead, and drive organizational growth through data-driven decision-making. Tim Mitchell/ GMC Craig Sanford/ GMC Kevin Heartsill/ Eufala Water Works & Sewer Board |
02:00 PM | 03:30 PM | Utlilizing stand-alone SCADA at your remote lift stations and other utlity finctions. This session focuses on the application of stand-alone Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion (SCADA) system for remote utility management, with emphasis on lift stations and other functions. Students will learn to harness the power of SCADA technology to enhance monitoring, control, and efficiency of decentralized utlity operations. Participants will be equipped to plan, implentent, and manage stand-alone SCADA systems for remote utlity functions, enabling improved operational efficiency, reduced site visits, and enhanced system reliability. Steve Berry/ ARWA WW Tech |
03:30 PM | 04:00 PM | Final Questions and Class Evaluations
Steve Berry/ ARWA WW Tech |
PDF Agenda
Steve Berry
Class Moderator